Big Pharmacy Pilihan di Seberang Jaya

Localbiz Cover

Di tengah gempuran modernisasi dan kemajuan teknologi, Big Pharmacy berdiri kokoh sebagai salah satu apotek terkemuka di Seberang Jaya, Malaysia. Dengan pengalaman selama bertahun-tahun dalam melayani masyarakat, apotek ini telah menjadi tujuan utama bagi mereka yang mencari obat-obatan berkualitas dan layanan kesehatan terpercaya.

Big Pharmacy menyediakan berbagai macam obat-obatan dari berbagai merek dan produsen, baik yang generik maupun yang bermerek. Apotek ini juga menawarkan berbagai macam layanan kesehatan, seperti konsultasi kesehatan, pemeriksaan kesehatan dasar, dan pemberian vaksinasi.

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5 Replies to Big Pharmacy Pilihan di Seberang Jaya

  1. I always like to go this Big Pharmacy at Seberang Jaya. All kinds of medicine and other stuff are available there. Friendly, helpful staffs. They willing to help, explanation and answer any questions that I need to know. Especially Ms. Tan, i really appreciated that she help alot. ???
    You will no regret to go to this Big Pharmacy at seberang jaya.

  2. The pharmacy meets my highest expectations. During my time here, I have experienced friendly staff, professional and high-quality standard of work.. Will recommend and visit frequently!

  3. Excellent customer service. A lot of medicine and recommendation of medicine and the staff is friendly and approachable. Recommended!

  4. Used to urgently need baby aspiral tube but that time already 10pm and Big Pharmacy already closed. Since our baby’s flu getting worst so we decide to call the Big Pharmacy number and said we are urgently need the thing and we are now outside Big Pharmacy. And we are truly appreciate that the staff very nice and willing to entertain our request eventho that time they are supposed to get ready to go back to their home. Everytime i went to this pharmacy, the staff very nice, softspoken, helpful, friendly and ya always smile to their customer. Highly recommend this pharmacy❤️?

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