Discover the Biggest Beach in Battambang

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The Biggest Beach in Cambodia

Battambang, a charming city in Cambodia, may not be located by the coast, but it offers some fantastic beach alternatives for visitors to enjoy. Here are the top three beach alternatives that are popular among tourists:

1. Bamboo Train Ride: The Bamboo Train in Battambang is a unique and thrilling experience that is not to be missed. It is a bamboo platform with wheels that runs on a single set of tracks, allowing visitors to enjoy a scenic ride through the countryside. The train ride takes you over bridges, through paddy fields, and past local villages. It’s a great way to take in the beautiful scenery of Battambang and experience a different kind of adventure.

  • The Bamboo Train operates from 7am to 5pm, and the ride usually takes around 20-30 minutes.
  • The cost of the train ride is typically around per person.
  • It is recommended to bring a hat, sunscreen, and bottled water as the train ride can get hot and dusty.
  • There are several stops along the way where you can get off and explore the surroundings.

2. Phnom Sampeau: Phnom Sampeau is a picturesque hill in Battambang that offers stunning views and interesting attractions. It is home to several pagodas, caves, and a memorial site from the Khmer Rouge era. One of the highlights of visiting Phnom Sampeau is the opportunity to witness the thousands of bats that emerge from the caves at sunset. It is a breathtaking sight to see as the sky fills with bats flying out in search of food.

  • Phnom Sampeau is open from 8am to 6pm, and the best time to visit is in the late afternoon to witness the bat spectacle.
  • Entrance to Phnom Sampeau is usually around per person.
  • It is recommended to bring a camera and binoculars to capture the stunning views and the bat phenomenon.
  • There are restaurants and food stalls near the hill where you can grab a bite to eat after exploring the area.

3. Boeng Chhouk Market and Lake: Boeng Chhouk Market and Lake is a lively and bustling spot in Battambang where visitors can experience the local culture and enjoy some outdoor activities. The market offers a wide variety of fresh produce, street food, and handicrafts. You can also rent a paddleboat or kayak to explore the beautiful Boeng Chhouk Lake, which is surrounded by lush greenery and floating houses. It’s a great place to relax, have a picnic, or simply take in the serene atmosphere.

  • Boeng Chhouk Market is open from early morning until around 5pm, while the lake can be enjoyed throughout the day.
  • There is no entrance fee for either the market or the lake, but rental fees for paddleboats and kayaks may apply.
  • It is recommended to bring cash, as many vendors in the market may not accept credit cards.
  • There are small restaurants and food stalls near the lake where you can try local dishes.

Despite being located away from the coast, Battambang offers unique and enjoyable beach alternatives that are sure to make your visit to the city memorable. Whether it’s riding the Bamboo Train, exploring Phnom Sampeau, or visiting Boeng Chhouk Market and Lake, there is something for everyone to enjoy in Battambang.

Thank you for taking the time to read our article. For more in-depth reviews and comprehensive ratings on the Beach spots, please explore the recommended articles listed below.

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