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Meeting with Mina weekly over the course of a month, I kicked off Day 1 by setting goals, ranking them based on difficulty, happiness, and impact, and selecting the top three to focus on. The program’s emphasis on habit formation, coupled with Mina’s insights into the habit loop (Make it obvious → Make it attractive → Make it easy → Make it satisfying), provided a robust foundation for creating a personalized action plan.

My overarching goal was effective and articulate communication, and the program introduced me to valuable concepts like habit stacking. For instance, I integrated my morning routine of waking up at 4:30 am with the habit of reading, enhancing my daily routine. Mina’s advice on progressing through communication levels—consuming information (Level 1), sharing experiences (Level 2), and creating content or coaching others (Level 3)—further fueled my growth.

The sessions also debunked a common myth: effective communication doesn’t require a formal setup. I discovered opportunities during casual moments, like chatting with my nephew during a ride on Thomas the Train, to refine my communication skills.

A pivotal lesson centered on gratitude. Identifying energy-draining and energizing elements in my life, Mina guided me to reframe my perspective on the daily commute. This shift in mindset, realizing the privilege of having a car and a job, proved transformative.

One particularly impactful exercise was a gratitude list, which made me appreciate the abundance in my life. Mina’s guidance illuminated the power of perspective, reminding me to be thankful for seemingly mundane aspects that others might yearn for.

The program extended beyond personal development, offering practical tips for effective communication:

1. **What’s the Bottom Line?**: Distill the essence of your message. 2. **Structure**: Organize thoughts using a framework or guideline.

Further exploration of communication principles included:

1. **Golden Circle – Inspired by Simon Sinek**: Delve into the “Why,” “How,” and “What” of your message. 2. **Positive vs. Negative**: Recognize the overall sentiment and impact of your message. 3. **Problem vs. Solution**: Differentiate between identifying an issue and providing a resolution. 4. **Numbered – Provide Three Things**: Categorize information into three key points for clarity.

In summary, the 29-day Challenge Habit Program with Mina was a comprehensive and enriching experience, providing not only practical tools for personal development but also a broader perspective on gratitude and effective communication.

Nurainun Jemat✭✭✭✭✭
5 months ago
I recently attended a two-day conflict management training, and it was truly insightful. The trainer effectively covered various strategies for resolving conflicts, emphasizing active listening and empathetic communication. The training equipped me with valuable tools to handle conflicts more effectively in both personal and professional settings.
Lina Samsudin✭✭✭✭✭
5 months ago
Attended 2 days Presenting with Purpose course by Allen in BAPSLH – 1 day F2F training for the theory, structure and tips, and 1/2 day of virtual presentation exercise by participants. Indeed it is very useful informative session and great structure tips on how to create good presentation with purpose and total of 25 participants received constructively critics shared as room of improvement and words of encouragements too when doing our 3-5 mins virtual presentations.

For future improvement, suggest limiting the class to 10-15 pax only so that if any participants presented lengthy presentations, course is still within planned time and not exceeded, make sure there is one person who is in charge on timing probably by raising hand during the session to inform presenter reached its max time, in respect of everyone’s timing.

Overall, recommended to attend this training.

Bex Lim✭✭✭✭✭
5 months ago
It was an engaging training session where i learnt important key takeaways. I understood my style and what i can improve on. It also showed me my staff personalties and how to manage them to have better team dynamics. It is an overall enjoyable and eye opening experience to better manage people.

Human Capital Group Asia Ltd

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