Discover the Biggest Tourist Attraction in Mandalay

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Nanmyint Watchtower

  • Address: Mandalay Palace, Township 05011, Myanmar (Burma)
  • Map: Click here
  • Rating: 4.1 (225)
vijja nanda in Mandalay
vijja nanda in Mandalay

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Top Tourist Attraction Alternatives in Mandalay

Tourism in Myanmar (also known as Burma) is a developing sector. As at 2023, new tourist visa applications resume. Although Myanmar possesses tourist potential, much of the industry remains to be developed. The number of visitors to Burma is small compared to its neighbouring countries. This is primarily due to its political situation. However, after the junta transferred power to the civilian government, the tourism sector saw an increase in tourism arrivals, and in 2012, tourist arrivals surpassed the one million mark for the first time. In 2013, the Tourism Master Plan was created, targeting 7.5 million arrivals by 2020.Tourism has been developed mainly by Myanmar's government, which has encouraged tourism since 1992. Private enterprises also exist, catering to a wide range of tourists.
In 2010, 791,505 foreign tourists visited Myanmar, with 295,174 foreign tourists entering the country via Yangon International Airport. By 2012, more than 1 million foreign tourists visited Myanmar. In 2013, the number of foreign arrivals reached more than 2.04 million, counting both air and overland arrivals.Tourism has been promoted by advocacy groups as a method of providing economic benefit to Burmese civilians, and to avoid isolating the country from the rest of the world. Voices for Burma, a pro-democracy advocate group, states, "We believe that small-scale, responsible tourism can create more benefits than harm. So long as tourists are fully aware of the situation and take steps to maximise their positive impact and minimise the negatives, we feel their visit can be beneficial overall. Responsible tourists can help Burma primarily by bringing money to local communities and small businesses, and by raising awareness of the situation worldwide."A former Burmese tourism minister estimated that 12% of the government revenues are derived from tourism, with the tourism industry contributing US$182 million (2007) to the government's annual budget.Since March 2020, Myanmar has closed its borders to international tourists as a measure to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, following the tumultuous political events in February 2021, the country has become increasingly isolated. Large-scale protests and escalating acts of violence have inflicted significant damage upon Myanmar's economy, including the tourism sector, which has been pushed into a state of decline.The country reopened to international flights on April 17, 2022, given the decrease in infection cases and the reopening of neighboring countries. In a statement issued by the committee, the decision to reopen aims to boost the tourism sector and provide favorable conditions for visitors to come and explore Myanmar.

The Biggest Tourist Attraction in Myanmar (Burma)

Mandalay is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Myanmar, offering a rich cultural and historical experience. Here are three top tourist attractions in Mandalay:

1. Mandalay Hill:

  • Mandalay Hill is a must-visit attraction for its stunning panoramic views of the city.
  • It is located in the northeast of central Mandalay and stands at a height of 760 feet.
  • The hill is home to several pagodas and monasteries, including the famous Sutaungpyei Pagoda (Wish-Fulfilling Pagoda).
  • The climb to the top of Mandalay Hill can be done either by foot or by taking a taxi.
  • Visitors can also enjoy a picturesque sunset from the hilltop.

2. Kuthodaw Pagoda and the World’s Largest Book:

  • Kuthodaw Pagoda is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is famous for housing the world’s largest book.
  • Within the pagoda complex, there are 729 white stupas, each containing a stone tablet engraved with Buddhist scripture.
  • The stone inscriptions make up the entire text of the Tripitaka (Buddhist canon).
  • Exploring the Kuthodaw Pagoda and reading the inscriptions is a unique and enlightening experience.
  • The pagoda is located at the foot of Mandalay Hill and can be easily reached by taxi or on foot.

3. U Bein Bridge:

  • U Bein Bridge is one of Myanmar’s most iconic landmarks and is the world’s longest teakwood bridge.
  • It stretches over 1.2 kilometers across the Taungthaman Lake.
  • The bridge offers a picturesque sight, especially during sunrise or sunset.
  • Visitors can take a leisurely walk across the bridge and enjoy the tranquil atmosphere.
  • Photography enthusiasts will find plenty of opportunities to capture the beauty of the bridge and its surroundings.

These three attractions offer unique experiences and a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of Mandalay. Whether it’s enjoying breathtaking views from Mandalay Hill, exploring the world’s largest book at Kuthodaw Pagoda, or experiencing the serenity of U Bein Bridge, visitors to Mandalay are sure to be captivated by its beauty and history.

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