The 7 Biggest Hospital or Clinic in Manila

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It’s a different story when my partner had to rush his mother to their emergency at the wee hours. Their staff posted outside the Emergency Room were bad discriminating profilers. They gave warm assistance when you look rich or arrived with a private car. But if you look poor, they will just stare at you.

We arrived on their emergency room using a barangay ambulance. My partner is wearing his everyday home clothes, shirt with holes, shorts with holes. It is a an emergency so ofcourse we didn’t have the time to dress up. When we arrived there, no one came near to us, to assist us to unload the patient. The guard just stayed at his pedestal, unbothered by the ambulance siren. I was the one who even grabbed a wheelchair from their door to the ambulance. Maybe they thought we are just a barangay health worker or “tambays” because of our clothes and it is okay.

Until, I witnessed how they assisted someone who arrived on a Toyota Fortuner. All of the staff including the guard went to the Fortuner to assist that patient. The guard urgently grabbed a wheelchair and they are all energetic. Very different when we arrived on a barangay ambulance.

Inside the ER, my partner told me that their behavior changed when they found out her mom (the patient) and him are platinum members. They were all of sudden fast, caring and attentive. They probably got surprised how a beggar looking guy with holes in his shorts is a platinum plus member.

This will still be our hospital of choice despite that incident because of proximity. Although, I hope that they give the same treatment to anyone regardless if they look poor or rich.

J Wu
4 months ago
I don’t know if all hospitals have become like this after covid, but at this hospital you will feel that everyone… from doctors, nurses down to their janitors have become unsympathetic towards patients and is only working for their own gain and the hospital is just making money.

This hospital is not in the top 5 but it is still expensive. The price paid was not worth it, a life was lost and relatives had trouble from emergency room until claiming of the death certificate.

Service wise, it was terrible. Emergency service where patient felt neglected. Companions also can’t enter until 12 hours later you will know that patient couldn’t breathe anymore (because patient practically had no immune system) and needed to enter the covid ward. Emergency nurses and doctors are digusted at the patient.

A patient having more than 10 doctors and those are consultants. Diagnosis and Prognosis were unclear. Doctors who tend to pass the blame to the relatives (“Weren’t you informed?”). Medical staff basically aren’t pro-active and you have to ask every single thing. Interns who do not know how to talk to patient and relatives ( who would tell you to get the item needed and hang up on you) and are practically robots or who are doing things by the book.

And then, you would just hear from other people, “Oh, we have that service.” or ” We have that item, we use it for…” but we never had these service.

A patient who could still walk into the emergency room became bedridden and degraded into a vegetable in a month’s span.

Death certificate was problematic as the doctor didn’t train the doctor in charge on what to do and numerous revisions done added insult to the grieving family.

The medical abstract was a pain to obtain and didn’t contain the detailed explaination as to what happened to the patient at the course of the confinement. Also, reading said document felt like it was written by a failing medical student.

I personally do not recommend this hospital. Their on duty nurses ( probably the same as anywhere) are by orders and do not have compassion or sympathy for the patient. Their on duty residents are disappointing and felt if there is no physical problem seen then there is no problem… likewise executing traits of no sympathy to patients.

Jojie Razon✭✭
5 months ago
My mom is receiving treatment at the wound care center for what they believe are vascular ulcers. It has taken a long time for the wound to heal so they performed a culture and sensitivity test. I asked when my mom could come back for a follow up and the secretary said she is scheduled to come back in 2 weeks to see the doctor. 2 weeks??? They did prescribe her some pain medication but sadly, they are not working. Right now, my mom is holding off on taking antibiotics awaiting the results of the culture and sensitivity test. 2 weeks is excruciatingly painful to bear just to wait for an antibiotic prescription, don’t you think? What is the issue here, are you guys short staffed? Is there only one doctor overseeing all patients there? If that doctor is out, do you not have coverage? Please, if you cannot provide treatment in a timely manner, it does not make you less of a medical professional to refer out so your patients do not suffer while waiting to be seen.
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